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New reporting laws to take affect for Strata Schemes

It has been a long time coming but finally the details of strata properties will now exist in a government register & not just in the files of your strata manager, as they will be collected by NSW Fair Trading.

The information that will be required to be submitted outside of the basic property details will include the strata plan no, no of lots, number of lots that are residential commercial or other,

the contact details for secretary, chairperson, the strata manager & building managers details if any. The details of the building structure such as the no of levels, above and below ground,

NABERS rating if any, the fire safety certificate details, value of the premises and emergency contact details plus more.

Whilst the information will not be for public viewing, the Secretary may disclose some of it to certain public bodies such as council, police & the fire brigade.

This will certainly allow for a more uniform access for contact details of a building in case of emergencies.

Contacting neighbouring buildings strata Committee's to discuss shared fences, boundaries, retaining wall slips, tree damages and occasional emergencies, has to date often been challenging for many strata managers.

So whilst the contact details are not open to the public at least with this change in legislation it will make it easier to have certain bodies ( council, police ) get in touch with a building, should the need arise.

The new reporting laws will come into affect on the 30 June 2022 for Strata schemes.

These will require that Strata schemes submit an annual report to NSW Fair Trading.

Whilst Strata schemes will have until the 31 December 2022 to submit the relevant details, its best to start early.

It will be a straight forward process to submit the information via the Strata Hub that has been created by NSW Fair Trading and it will be accessible from July onwards for strata scheme managers, chairpersons & secretaries, to register and set up their profiles.

The reporting requirements are set out in the Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Information) Regulation 2021.


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