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Rising Star & master of her own domain

Amanda McEwin lay in a hospital bed with her new-born daughter in her arms, dreading the thought, that after only a short period of time she’d have to leave her baby at day-care and return to her 9-5 job, she could never have imagined that 18 months later she would be working for herself in a job that she loves AND that provides her the flexibility to spend as much time with her family as she likes. But that is exactly what happened.

Photo of Amanda McEwin

Amanda was working in an IT business development role when she had her third child. She found herself dreading the thought of returning to a job when her parental leave ended, so determined to find a way out of the rat race, Amanda invested in educating herself, took the plunge and started buying investment properties. She quickly realized this wouldn’t get her out of her job anytime soon so she educated herself again and started doing more active property strategies such as renovation. It wasn’t until she did her first property development that the financial rewards and lifestyle she had been looking for happened. The sale of her first development deal for a tidy profit 15 months later allowed her to quit her job – and pay off her mortgage! Amanda continues to develop property through her company Onassis Developments.

Amanda realized that profiting from property development is not just for property magnates, and so in 2020 she set up Rising Star Property Developer so that others can learn from her journey into the property market and secure their own futures with Amanda’s first hand guidance. Having experienced such remarkable success herself, Amanda felt that it was worth nothing, unless she helped others to achieve the same results.

Modern two storey house in white and grey showing, it is written there that the profit was $332,000

Amanda has a philosophy of keeping life simple, and this approach is the very key to the success of her property development program. Based online, the program takes budding property developers through a step-by-step process that is easy to understand. Students have access to online course as well as two group coaching calls a month. Students of the course ask questions and get advice from Amanda on current deals and challenges to their business, as well as tips on how to manage their mindset, how to run their business and how to deal with the difficulties of the property market.

Students are also invited to join a Facebook community and hear from Amanda weekly via email to ensure that they stay on track. Amanda also hosts a number of events, both virtual and face to face. The level of support offered by Amanda is second to none and it intensifies as participants navigate their own deals.

Amanda vets’ applicants for the program carefully to ensure that they are a good fit for the program and that the “Inner Circle” of graduates is supportive of each other and committed to following the steps of the program to achieve their own success.

Amanda’s greatest joy is to see her students realize their goals, whether it be to pay off their mortgage, leave their job, work from anywhere in the world or simply achieve the flexibility they need to genuinely enjoy their family life. Regardless of the state of the market, using Amanda’s strategies, her graduates make their own success, as the style of property development employed will succeed regardless of the state of the market.

Modern two storey corner home - artists impression

The Chester - 4 Executive luxury two storey homes in Lockley by Onassis Developments

Prior to COVID, was primarily developing affordable homes to the value of $500,000. During the pandemic there was greater demand for houses in the $900,000-$1,200,000 range. Now Amanda senses that the market is shifting back to the more affordable housing for first home buyers, investors, and down-sizers. Regardless of the market, Amanda prides herself on producing a champagne product on a budget. She taps into current trends, such as the current preference for low maintenance properties in well serviced areas with simple, comfortable living and, as a result, develops properties that she knows will succeed.

Amanda is living proof that anyone can enter the property development market. She believes that education is the number one precursor to success. Amanda is astounded at the number of people who jump into the market without doing so much as a feasibility study or risk analysis and who then wonder why it did not work and retreat from the market never to give it another go. Despite her own success, Amanda continues to identify where she can benefit from further education, and she invests time, energy, and money into educating herself. Amanda is a student for life.

Amanda also believes it is important to know your why. This is the thing, that when the going gets tough, will keep you going. Roadblocks are inevitable, it is an understanding of why you are doing what you are doing that will help you overcome them. She also suggests that you make your why bigger than yourself to keep you accountable. If successfully developing properties is the key to paying the kids’ school fees, booking an annual holiday abroad for your partner and yourself or just making sure that your family no longer has to stress about the cost of day to day living, then you are more likely to hold yourself accountable and to make it work.

Most importantly, Amanda says that it is important that you do not give up. Invest in yourself, find someone that you connect with to continue your education and tap into the support that is available to you. Amanda is delighted that in the two years since she started Rising Star Property Developer, she has seen a number of graduates of the program wave their jobs goodbye and many have paid off their mortgages.

If you want to set yourself up for the future and would like more information about Onassis Developments or Rising Start Property Developer, please contact Amanda McEwin at or follow the link below


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